IMPORTANT Interactive Patient Claims can only be sent via Medicare Web Services within 6 months of the date of service. If the claim falls outside this period, clinics must direct the patient to claim this service directly from Medicare themselves.
Process online Patient Claims, including how to same day delete, modify after same day, and add service text and duplicate procedures.
What are the Medicare claim forms printed from Bp VIP.Net?
Medicare and DVA Online Verification
Verify a patient's Medicare and DVA number and details before claiming online.
Inpatient Medical Claiming Patient Claim - for example, when a practice charges the patient their own rate rather than the Health Fund specified rate, with the patient to pay the full amount of the procedure.
Pendable to pended invoices and Medicare Web Services
What do the new 'pendable' and 'pended' claims mean under Medicare Web Services?
Review and update a claim with a returned Medicare status of Pendable, and resubmit the claim to convert to Pended.
Resubmit an IMC that has been declined.