Common lookup fields

When editing a template in the word processor, you can insert 'lookup' or 'merge' fields to insert information stored in the database into the template. The sections below describe the most commonly used lookup fields and where to find them.

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How to get to a lookup field

The paths in the tables below tell you where the field is located in the Ctrl-L list to the right of the word processor.

For example, a path of Appointments / Chosen Appointment / Admission Date & Time means to insert the field selected below:

Ctrl-L List

More information on templates and lookup fields is available in Create letter and auto templates

What is a 'Chosen' field?

If a field path has 'Chosen' in the description, the user must select from a list of objects when the letter is created, to determine which data to insert.

For example, the field above is Appointments / Chosen Appointment / Admission Date & Time. When a letter template includes this field, the user will be prompted to select which appointment should be used to insert data.

Similarly, if a template includes the field ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / ClaimNo, the user will be prompted by the Choose Claim screen to select the ACC claim to extract data from.

Other examples of template fields that require choosing a Bp object include Investigations, Images from patient notes, Allergies, Medical Notes, Medications, and Procedures.

What is a 'Columns' type field?

Rather than inserting single lookup fields into user-created tables to format a template, you can insert a 'Columns' type field, which inserts a preformatted table of related fields.

For example, say you are creating a custom Appointments Day List template, which shows the timetable of appointments for the day from the appointment book.

  1. Position the cursor in the template where you want to insert a columns field.
  2. From the lookup field list, select AppointmentsDay ListDay List Columns and click Insert.
  3. Day List Columns field

    The field Appointments/Day List/Day List Columns will be inserted into the template.

    Day List Columns field

  4. Double-click on the field in the template. The Column Design screen will appear.
  5. Column Design screen

  6. Tick the fields in the Available Columns list that you want to insert.
  7. Tick Include Column Captions in Generated Data to improve readability of the final table.
  8. In step 2), click and drag to rearrange the order of the columns.
  9. In step 3), select a column in Step 2) and change the Column Alignment from the default if required. For example, dollar amounts might be aligned to the right.
  10. NOTE Some column view fields, especially Appointment fields, contain information that is produced from an autotext. Blue text in the middle of the Column Design screen lists the information that is produced from autotexts. In the example in step 3, the Patient Info column is generated by the ADBLPATIENT autotext.

  11. Click OK to update the field columns.

The Day List template will now produce a formatted table of your fields when printed from the appointment book.

Day List Example

General fields

The following table shows commonly used general fields.

Path to field

Format displayed

Practice Options / Phone

07 5522 3366

General / LoggeedIn User / User - FirstName

General / LoggeedIn User / Linked Provider / Name - First-Surname


Dr Mary Gynecology

General / Todays Date and Time - Long

General / Todays Date and Time

20 July 2024 9:56am

20-Jul-2024 9:56am

General / He-She-They

General / Him-Her-Them

General / His-Her-Their

'He', 'She' or 'They', depending on the patient's recorded gender.

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Full Name

Patient or Organisation Detail / Demographic Details / Date of Birth

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Full Address (multi-line)

Ian Mann


2 Baker Street


Auckland 1000

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Full Address (single line)

2 Baker St, Takapuna, Auckland 1000

Patient or Organisation Detail / Demographic Details / Age - Character Format

57 years 0 months 29 days

Providers / Lead Provider-Internal / Name - Title-First-Surname

Providers / Lead Provider-Internal / Name - Title-Surname-First

Providers / Lead Provider-Internal / Name - Knownname - Initials

Dr Mary Gynecology

Dr Gynecology Mary

ML (made up of initial characters of Known Name)

ACC fields

The following table shows commonly used ACC claim fields.

ACC Claim field

Path to field

Format displayed

ACC Claim Number

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / ClaimNo


Full Name

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Full Name

Ian Mann


Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Full Address (single line)

2 Baker St, Takapuna, Auckland 1000

Date of Birth

Patient or Organisation Detail / Demographic Details / Date of Birth



Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Phone - Home

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Phone - Bus

Patient or Organisation Detail / Name and Address / Phone - Mobile

07 1111 1111

07 1111 1112

0211 770 852

NHI Number

Patient or Organisation Detail / Patient Details / NZnumbers / NHI Number


Date of Injury

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Injury Date


Date of Treatment

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Visit Date


Diagnoses 1 Read2 Code

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Diagnosis Code


Diagnoses 1 Read2 Code Description

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Diagnosis Description

Closed fracture ankle, medial malleolus.

Specialist Name

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Provider / Name Title-First-Surname

Dr Harry Dermatology

NZMC Number

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Provider / Numbers - NZMC


HPI Number

ACC Claims / Chosen Claim / Provider / Numbers - HPI


Specialist Signature



Date signed

General / Todays Date - Long Format

20 June 2017

Medical notes from Medical Desktop

Medical Notes

Medical Notes / Text of Multiple Notes

This field inserts data from multiple visit notes from the Medical Desktop visit history:

Visit notes history

When a new document is created from a template containing Medical Notes / Text of Multiple Notes, Bp prompts the user to select the notes to insert from the Choose Medical Notes screen.

The Field Type column in the Choose Medical Notes screen corresponds to the field name on the Medical Desktop. In the following example, the contents of the fields Present Complaints, Exam, and Assessment will be inserted from the visit notes for 05/07/2017, and the contents of the fields History of Present Complaints, Exam, and Assessment will be inserted from the visit on 03/05/2010.

Choose Medical Notes Screen

Medical Notes / Today's Note / Medical Visit / <Medical Desktop>

This section of the lookup list provides access to fields from the Medical Desktop recorded in a visit that day.

Medical Notes Lookup Fields

Look for the equivalent of the lookup field on the Medical Desktop to see which field contents is inserted. For example:

  • Medical Notes / Today's Note / Medical Visit / <Medical Desktop> / Optho Notes inserts the contents of the Orthoptist Notes field from MD.
  • Medical Notes / Today's Note / Medical Visit / <Medical Desktop> / Present Complaints inserts the contents of the Present Complaints field.

Patient History Notes

Patient or Organisation Detail / Patient Details / <medical desktop> / History fields

This section of the lookup list provides access to the History notes from the Medical Desktop (such as Social History or Ocular History).

Patient History Lookup Fields

Medical Notes / Complete Notes History

This fields inserts the following fields from the Medical Desktop for each visit, ordered by visit date and provider:

  • Present Complaint
  • History of Present Complaints
  • Exam
  • Assessment
  • Management

The following example shows an inserted Complete Notes History:

Complete Notes History example

Other common History and Medical Desktop notes include:

Path to field


Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Examination Note

Exam field from selected Medical Desktop notes.

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Management Note

Management field from selected Medical Desktop notes.

Medical Notes / Last Note / History of Present Complaint

Patient's history of present complaints from last recorded note.

Medical Notes / Last Note / Medical Visit / <Medical Desktop> / Visit Date

Date of last visit recorded from Medical Desktop.

Medical Notes / Last Note / Medical Visit / <Medical Desktop> / Ongoing Problems

Comma-separated list of Ongoing Problems as at the last visit.

Allergies / All Allergies

Comma-separated list of all recorded Allergies.

Allergies / Chosen Allergy / Description with Notes

Comma-separated list of Allergies and corresponding Descriptions.

Procedures Chosen from All / Name

Full name of selected procedure.

Procedures Chosen from All / Date and Time

Date and time selected procedure occurred.

Procedures Chosen from All / Location

Location for the selected procedure.


Path to field


Medications / All Regular Medications Columns

Column view table of patient's regular Rx:

All Regular Medications Columns example

Medications / Prescriptions / Last Prescription / All Items in Prescription

List of items in patient's last prescription:

All items in prescription

Medications / Non PRN Medications Columns

Column view table of patient's non-PRN medications: 

Non PRN Medications example


Ophthalmology field

Path to field (L)

Path to field (R)


Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Unaided - L

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Unaided - R

With Glasses

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Best Corrected - L

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Best Corrected - R

With Pinhole

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Pinhole - L

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / VA Pinhole - R

Intraocular Pressure

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / Intraocular Pressure - L

(in mmHg)

Medical Notes / Chosen Medical Notes / Medical Visit / <medical desktop> / Intraocular Pressure - R

(in mmHg)


Path to field


Investigations / Plain Text of Multiple Results

Tab-spaced list of investigation results with no formatting.

Investigations / Text of Multiple Results

Formatted list of results with headings and indentation.

Investigations / Investigation Result Columns

Column view table of investigation results.

Monitoring and Recalls

Path to field


Monitoring & Recalls / All Tests (Autotext use)

Comma-separated list of all current Recalls.

Monitoring & Recalls / All Tests Overdue (Autotext use)

Comma-separated list of all tests with due dates that fall before the current date.

Monitoring & Recalls / Monitoring Details / Overdue Recall Columns

Column view table of overdue tests.

Monitoring & Recalls / Monitoring Details / Test Name

Name of test.

Monitoring & Recalls / Monitoring Details / Due Date

Next due date of test.


When retrieving appointment details, Best Practice Software recommend using the Last Arrived Appointment or Today's Appointment lookup fields.

Path to field


Appointments / Last Arrived Appointment /

Includes fields from the last appointment at which the patient was arrived in Bp

Appointments / Today's Appointment /

Includes fields from appointments booked for the current date.

Appointments / Operations List / Operations List Columns

Column view table of a patient's operations list.

Appointments / Day List / Day List Columns

Column view table of a patient's day list.


Path to field


Quotes / Quote Columns

Column view table of a practice's quotes.

Statement / Statement Columns

Column view table of a practice's statements.

Financials / Transaction Columns

Column view table of a practice's transactions.

Invoice-Receipts / InvoiceReceipt Columns

Column view table of a practice's invoices and receipts.


Last modified: 23 July 2024