Add a new provider to this clinic
Add an external or internal provider. You can also extend the number of Provider Types supplied with Bp, and quickly add a referrring doctor from Patient Details.
Add new patient details to the database, including the minimum details required to quickly add a patient. From the Patient Details screen, you can also create a referral, define the patient's family and next of kin, and indicate the patient or account holder to bulk billing to.
Create a new organisation. Organisations in Bp include parties like health insurers, laboratories, subsidisers, and employers. You can redirect debts to an organisation.
Add a new practice 'unit', or a distinct area or subsection of a facility, and update provider rosters with the new unit.
Health Fund Setup (AUS only). Add a Health Fund for Eclipse Claiming to the Provider (AUS only).
Create a record for a health insurer, including batching, subsidising, and redirection details. You also select which invoice template to use for the insurer.
Record an employer organisation in Bp ACC claims require a practice to record specific details about an employer. You can also redirect debts to an employer organisation.