Add a new...

Add a new provider to this clinic

Add an external or internal provider. You can also extend the number of Provider Types supplied with Bp, and quickly add a referrring doctor from Patient Details.

Add a new patient

Add new patient details to the database, including the minimum details required to quickly add a patient. From the Patient Details screen, you can also create a referral, define the patient's family and next of kin, and indicate the patient or account holder to bulk billing to.

Add an organisation

Create a new organisation. Organisations in Bp include parties like health insurers, laboratories, subsidisers, and employers. You can redirect debts to an organisation.

Create a New Unit

Add a new practice 'unit', or a distinct area or subsection of a facility, and update provider rosters with the new unit.

Add a Health Fund

Health Fund Setup (AUS only). Add a Health Fund for Eclipse Claiming to the Provider (AUS only).

Add an insurer

Create a record for a health insurer, including batching, subsidising, and redirection details. You also select which invoice template to use for the insurer.

Add an employer

Record an employer organisation in Bp ACC claims require a practice to record specific details about an employer. You can also redirect debts to an employer organisation.