Appointment book Videos
Configure the Appointment Book
Set up appointment book sessions and holidays
An appointment book session is a period during which a provider is able to take appointments and provide consultations, including 'on the day' or reserved appointment blocks. Sessions can be used as part of a rolling roster. Bp Premier provides a standard set of appointment types, but practices can also create their own types.
Configure the Appointment Book
How to configure your appointment book in Bp Premier.
Set the default appointment length
Explains how to manage appointment lengths in Bp Premier, including the effects of changing the default slot length on the appointment type and session definition lengths.
This article explains how to configure visit types for your practice. The visit type refers to the location that the visit occurred at, or if the visit was not in person, the method it was delivered through, for example, Hospital or Telehealth.
Add appointment types and cancellation reasons
Appointment book types tell the user what should be booked in that slot, as well as set the default appointment length and icon.
Create an Appointment Book layout
A layout is a user or user group. When you apply a layout to the appointment book, only bookings for the selected users will be shown or can be made. For example, you might have a layout that includes all providers, or a layout for each provider.
Set up an appointment reminder schedule
Set up a Bp Comms appointment reminder schedule to send out appointment reminders without manual intervention, like an overnight SMS reminder for the next day's appointments.
Navigating the Appointment Book
Appointment book statues, especially With Doctor, At Billing, Paid, and Invoiced, help your staff tell where in the appointment book workflow an appointment is up to, and which appointments need payment and closing off.
Find, move, or cancel an appointment
Search for past or future appointments, move or cancel an appointment, and view an audit trail of users who have updated an appointment.
Book an appointment for a new or existing patient, edit a current appointment, or view a patient's appointment history.
Book and edit recurring appointments.
Recall appointments can be made for patients who have received clinically significant results or otherwise need to be recalled to the practice outside of a reminder cycle. Recalls can only be cancelled by certain user types.
Telehealth Appointments using Telephone or Video Calls
Describes how to use telehealth appointments to perform consultations remotely.
Rebook a patient from the cancellation list
The Cancellation List contains patients with or without an existing appointment who would either like their appointment moved forward, or who wish to have an appointment created for them in the event of a cancellation.
Update a doctor's availability
Update the appointment book for a user or users to block out one or more slots as unavailable.
Check a patient's Medicare details when they arrive and indicate in the appointment book that the patient is ready to see the provider.
Resolve uncompleted appointments
Look up and resolve unfinished appointments so they are not lost in the appointment book history.
Print or export an appointment list
Print an appointment list or day sheet, or export an appointment list to file.
Guidance and recommendations on workflows for clinics booking vaccinations.
Group vaccine patients in the appointment book by location
Explains how to group vaccine patients by a named Location, such as 'Vaccination appointments', and how this influences the finalisation and billing workflow.
Group Vaccine patients in the appointment book by user
Explains how to group vaccine patients by a specific user, such as 'Vaccination appointments', and how this influences the finalisation and billing workflow.