What's new in Bp VIP.net since version Topaz.
Bp VIP.net Topaz SP2.1 Release Notes
Release notes for the latest available update of Bp VIP.net.
Search for patients, organisations, and invoices in the Bp VIP.net database using a variety of criteria from the Search screen (F2). You can also search for diagnoses, appointments, transactions, tasks and patient contacts, and providers.
Keyboard shortcuts for all areas of VIP.net, including the Appointment Book, MyComms, Medical Desktop, and the Waiting Room.
Provide site information to support
Provide Bp VIP.net Support with information about your site, including VIP version and operating system, and taking a screen capture to provide to Support.
Bp VIP.net functions relevant to Reception and Administrative roles.
Bp VIP.net functions relevant to Practice Managers.
Bp VIP.net functions relevant to Providers.
Quick reference guides and user guides for practices using Bp VIP.net.
Practice preferences determine the default settings for many screens in VIP.net, including the appointment book, snapshot bar, patient record, and MyComms. Some practice preferences can be overridden by user preferences.