Summary of Reports

In addition to the SQL Report Builder which runs queries on your data within Bp, there are System Reports that come with the database.

Financial Reports

Aged Debtors

The report displays both Organisations and Patients with both Debits and Credits on their accounts to enable a clinic to carry out ledger management.

Banking Summary

The report displays account totals of payment types per Revenue Account between the specified dates. A Banking must be run through File > Accounts > Banking prior to running the report.

Daily Summary

The report is a summarised version of the Financial Summary Report where the From and To dates are already populated for the day the report is run.

Payment Claims (Medicare)

The report displays a list of all Patient Claims sent to Medicare Online using selected criteria.

Tyro Reports

The report displays all transactions carried out through Tyro. It shows a breakdown of Purchases, Cash Out and Refunds on all Tyro transactions.

Unpaid Batches

The report displays a summary of Subsidisor Batches by Subsidisor. The total of the batch and the outstanding total is displayed.

Financial Summary

The report displays all transactions paid, owing, adjusted, billed, subsidised and redirected. Many filters can be used to drill down financial information and change the sorting of the information displayed.

Medical Reports


The report displays all patients added to a recall. The recall test is displayed with the due date and relevant demographic information for the patient. A bulk SMS or Mail Merge can be done for the information displayed in the report.

Patient Examination Summary

The report is an Ophthalmology Specific Report that requires a report template to be imported into your Bp database. It displays a summary of the VA results for each eye for the last 4 appointments for the patient in the snapshot. This is not generally released for Bp clients.

Unfinished Medical Notes

The report displays a list of all Medical Visits that have not had the Visit Finished tick box activated on the Medical Note. It enables providers to review their notes that still require further attention.

Appointment Book Reports

Appointment Book Summary

The report displays a list of all patient appointment according to the filters chosen in the report. It can be used to run a report on DNA and send out appointment reminder letters.

Next Appointment Recall

The report displays a list of all patients added to the Next Appointment Recall. It enables management of all patients next appointment recalls and includes a bulk SMS or Mail Merge function from the list.

Day Stay Summary

The report displays a list of Day Stay Episodes created for patients. It enables further management of the Day Stay Episode and is used to validate that required information is completed for the episode prior to creating the Transmission File through the report.


The report displays sending status and any error messages for all SMS messages sent through Bp

Referrers Report

The report displays all income related to a referral. The report can be used to gauge the external providers who regularly refer patients to your clinic who becoming paying customers.

Email Log

The report displays all emails sent from Bp when using a SMTP email server with Bp It captures the content of the message, the subject, sender, recipients and related patients. It also displays when an email has an attachment.


Last modified: July 2020