
Keep track of all client contact details, history and associated consultations, documents, phone calls and emails.

In this section

About the Client Record

Add a New Client

Minimising Client Duplication - Good Searching Practices

Find a Client

View Appointments when searching for a Client

Add Consultation Notes

Add History Notes

Add an Email

Add a Phone Call/Other Message

Upload or Scan a Document to a Client Record

Why Can't I See My Newly Added Document or Referrer?

Create a New Snippet

Use Snippets in Consultation Notes and Letters

Insert a Timestamp in a Consultation Note

Use the Body Chart

Displaying DASS Charts

Make a Client Inactive

Delete a Client

Managing, Customising and Printing

Create a Chart

Customise a Chart

Map a Client's Genealogy

Creating a Relationship Between Two People in a Genogram

Add Additional Family Members to a Genogram

Physitrack Integration