Secure Messaging in Saffron

Bp Learning


Changes have been made to secure messaging in Saffron to anticipate industry improvements in interoperability between healthcare industry platforms and devices, particularly future FHIR©® online directories. This article summarises the available resources on secure messaging in Saffron.


Saffron Series Secure Messaging Video.

Knowledge base articles

Saffron includes support for FHIR©® online directories of healthcare providers.

NOTE  Note that there are no FHIR version R4 online directories available at time of Saffron.

See Set up a FHIR online directory for more information.

eReferrals are affected by secure messaging improvements

See Send and follow up eReferrals for more information.

If you have sent an eReferral and it is not acknowledged or negatively acknowledged, you can set up alerts to notify you of this.

See Set up results acknowledgement and notifications for more information.

Last updated 07 January 2021