Bp Premier will automatically add Medicare Bulk Bill Incentive or Veterans Access Payment items to a patient account if the following are true:
- When creating the patient account, the Bill to field is set to ‘Medicare Direct Bill’ or ‘DVA Direct Bill’.
- The patient is under 16 years old, or holds a pensioner, health care, senior’s, or DVA card.
- If the patient holds a concession card, the Pension / HCC No, Expiry and Pension card type must be completed on the patient demographic.
- If the patient has a DVA card, the DVA No, DVA Type and DVA Conditions (if applicable) must be completed on the patient demographic.
- The account item claimed is eligible for the incentive according to the Medicare Benefits Schedule or DVA Fee Schedules for Medical Services.
As of the January 2022 data update, new bulk bill incentive items for rural areas are available. These incentive items are applied based on the Modified Monash Location that each of your practice locations belong to.
You must upgrade to Saffron SP2 or later to add your practice location's Modified Monash Location. Add Modified Monash locations for each of your practice locations via Setup > Practice Details > Edit.
The following incentive items are applied based on Modified Monash Location.
General MBS Incentive
Modified Monash Location | Incentive number |
MM1 | 10990 |
MM2 | 10991 |
MM3/4 | 75855 |
MM5 | 75856 |
MM6 | 75857 |
MM7 | 75858 |
Pathology MBS Incentive
Modified Monash Location | Incentive number |
MM1 | 74990 |
MM2 | 74991 |
MM3/4 | 75861 |
MM5 | 75862 |
MM6 | 75863 |
MM7 | 75864 |
Imaging MBS Incentive
Modified Monash Location | Incentive number |
MM1 | 64990 |
MM2 | 64991 |
MM3/4 | 64992 |
MM5 | 64993 |
MM6 | 64994 |
MM7 | 64995 |
Visit the Services Australia website for more information about changes to rural bulk billing incentives based on the Modified Monash Model.
Visit the Department of Health website for more information about the Modified Monash Model.
Use the Department of Health's Health Workforce Locator to determine which Modified Monash Location your practice location is in.
You cannot add an incentive item manually. Bp Premier will determine whether the account is eligible for the incentive using the rules provided by Medicare and DVA.
Incentive items in Saffron SP1 and earlier
If you have not yet upgraded to Saffron SP2, you will not have the option to select a Modified Monash Location. This means that the correct incentive items for your location may not be applied.
To ensure the correct incentive items for your location are applied, upgrade your software to Saffron SP2 and ensure each of your practice locations has the correct Modified Monash Location selected.
Last updated 04 January 2022