Frequently asked questions about the patient record

How do I access confidential data in an emergency?

Bp Premier provides an emergency access password. Best Practice Software recommend that you:

  • Set the emergency password when you install Bp Premier
  • Provide the emergency password to key senior staff only, such as the practice manager and the principal doctor
  • Store the emergency password in a secure location, such as a practice safe
  • Change the emergency password at regular intervals to maintain security.

IMPORTANT  The emergency password provides 'all or none' access to all confidential patient material. Best Practice Software recommend changing the password regularly.

Can I set defaults for new notes?

You can set the patient record to open by default in Today's Notes from SetupUser preferencesGeneral tab. Many of the default settings for the patient record and Today's notes can be set from the User preferences screen.

The Visit Type, Visit Date, and Visit time fields in Today's notes default to the provider's default visit type and today's date and time, but can be changed in user preferences.

Can I edit notes from a past visit?

Yes, within limits. See Delete or amend past visit notes for more information.

Can I backdate notes?

The Visit Date in Today's notes cannot be set earlier than one month prior to the current date. When you print visit notes from the word processor, the visit date will be printed with the notes as Recorded On.

If you need to indicate that notes were recorded on a date earlier than this (for example, notes were entered into the wrong patient and discovered over a month later), you must add text to this effect with the visit note.

How can I tell if the patient has provided us with an email address?

In Saffron SP2, if a patient has provided your practice with their email address, it will appear at the top of the patient record along with other demographic information, such as their name, address and phone number. To easily edit or copy the patient's email address, double click the email address in the patient record to open the patient demographic.

Can I set a default MBS item to appear when finalising a visit?

Yes. You can set a default MBS item via Setup > Users > Edit. See Add a Default MBS Item to an Invoice for more information.

How can I check a patient's next booked appointment from the patient record?

You can check when the patient’s next appointment is via the patient record by selecting Open > Appointment history. A list will appear with all appointments that have been booked for the patient, in chronological order. Any future appointments can be found at the end of the list.

Why am I unable to open a patient record from the Appointment Book?

If you find you are unable to open a patient record from the appointment book, check that you have the clinical record permission set to Allow access in Setup > Users > Edit > Set Permissions. You must have the clinical record permission set to Allow access to view patient records.

If you are still unable to open the patient record, check that the appointment you are attempting to open is definitely booked for you, and if not, in Setup > Configuration > Appointments, check that Allow users to open patient records from other user’s appointments has been ticked. If it has not been ticked, you will not be able to open patient records from the appointment book unless the appointment has been booked for you.

NOTE  You must have the Configuration permission set to Allow access to view the Configuration screen and you must have the User details permission set to Add/Edit/Delete to edit user permissions.

How are new immunisations added to the immunisation list?

The immunisation list in the patient record is added to and updated via the monthly data update. To find out what is included in each monthly data update, see What's New in Data Updates.

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Last updated 22 March 2022




