Practices with multiple Prescription Exchange Services

Last updated: 27 November 2020

Some Bp Premier practices have providers that use both MediSecure and Electronic Prescription Exchange for prescribing. With the changes in electronic prescribing and Real-Time Prescription Monitoring in 2020, this article explains which Bp Premier functions are supported by which PES vendor and which are anticipated soon.

Select Help > About in the software to check your Bp Premier version.

Prescribing function



Electronic prescribing (tokens)

Supported from Jade SP3 ( onwards.

Will be supported in Saffron Service Pack 1 (expected Q1 2021).

Real-time Prescription Monitoring

Supported for both from Indigo Service Pack 1 ( onwards. However, only one PES can be configured for a provider from this version onwards.

Electronic prescription tokens

If you are running Jade SP3 or Jade SP4, a provider must be configured for eRx to send electronic prescription tokens. MediSecure is not supported for eScripts in these versions.

MediSecure support for eScript tokens will be available in Bp Premier Saffron Service Pack 1.

Real-time Prescription Monitoring

Current to the Jade SP4 release in October 2020, a provider can only be configured for one of either eRx or MediSecure. On upgrade from an earlier version or when enabling the Real-time Prescription Monitoring option for your location, Bp Premier will prompt you to select one PES vendor only.

What happens when I enable RTPM?

When the Enable SafeScript option in Setup > Preferences > Prescribing is ticked, Bp Premier checks that the provider is configured for one of MediSecure or eRx ePrescribing software only, and will alert the user to disable one for the provider otherwise.

What happens if I'm upgrading from an older version?

If a provider was configured for both eRx and Medisecure (that is, both the eRx Setup and MediSecure Setup utilities were run), after upgrading to Indigo SP1 or later, when that provider first logs in to Bp Premier, he or she will be prompted to select which PES they want to use.

Select ePrescription service on login

The choice not selected will be disabled. To re-enable a vendor:

  1. Run the setup utility for the current vendor and disable the provider.
  2. Run the setup utility for the alternate vendor and enable the provider.

What happens if I attempt to set up both?

After you upgrade, if a provider is configured for one vendor and a user attempts to configure the provider for the alternate vendor, Bp Premier will confirm that the original vendor should be disabled.

Disable alternate ePrescribing vendor