Best Health App Masterclass FAQ

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Navigating Best Health: An Introduction to Bp's New Patient App Masterclass - FAQ

These Frequently Asked Questions are taken from the Navigating Best Health: An Introduction to Bp's New Patient App Masterclass. View the Masterclass video recording on the Bp Learning Vimeo Channel.

Will we will get swamped with emails since the patient can email us from within the App?

This won't be any different than if you advertised your practice's email address on your website. It's up to each practice whether you make the practice email address visible to patients via the App.

Does the App stay logged in on the patient's phone once they have logged in? Or is login required every time they open the App on their phone?

The App has an inactivity timeout of 3 minutes. This means that if the patient forgets to close or log out of the App, the session will timeout after 3 minutes, and they will be required to sign-in again.

Can patients see results?

When sending a message to the App from Bp Premier, the usual workflow is to select a generic template from either the Doctor's Inbox or the Follow up Inbox asking them to contact the practice to book an appointment. We do not recommend included result details in this message.

Do we need a beacon for each computer?

No. The average range for a beacon is approximately 20 meters. If your practice has multiple reception areas, you may need more than one beacon. When considering the number of beacons required for your practice, analyse the layout of your practice, including placement and construction of walls. Marble, brick, concrete and metal have relatively high interference potential while glass, wood and synthetic materials have low interference potential.

How can the check-in screen show an incorrect mobile number? If the practice has an incorrect mobile number, this won't work, will it?

Once a patient enrols in the App using their mobile number and email address, they are assigned a unique identifier. This unique identifier is then used for the exchange of information between Bp Premier and the App. A patient can change their mobile number and/or email address in the App, and these new details will be verified but will not flow through to Bp Premier. Patients must contact the practice to ensure their new information is recorded in Bp Premier to ensure they are contactable via other methods.

Can we send an invitation to all our patients in one hit?

Currently, invitations can only be sent to patients individually as their consent needs to be obtained. Also, they should specifically agree to use the App. This will be reviewed for consideration in a future version of Bp Premier.

Why does the appointment screen advise patients to check-in at reception when we are now asking them to use the App to check-in?

When the patient enters the proximity of the beacon, they should get a notification that check-in is now available via the App. They will be advised to present to reception if they indicate their details are incorrect on the check-in screen.

Why do we have to be using a separate booking tool if we want to let patients book an appointment? Isn't the App fully integrated into Bp Premier?

The current functionality available in the App is fully integrated into Bp Premier. Best practice does not currently offer an Online Booking Service; however, this is a high priority item on our current roadmap and work has commenced on this exciting new feature. If you currently use an Online Booking service from another vendor, patients can access this via Practice Details in the Best Health App.

Why doesn't the health summary include preventive reminders?

The Search Utility in Bp Premier allows for a practice to identify target patient groups. Messages can be sent to these groups via SMS or App using the mail merge function. This suggestion has been added to our list of future enhancement requests. It will be considered for inclusion in a future release.

Why can't Health Notes be transferred into Bp Premier?

Health Notes intend to provide a secure place for patients to record notes to discuss with their health care professional during their next visit. This suggestion has been added to our list of future enhancement requests and will be considered for inclusion in a future release.

In the future, will patients be able to book appointments through the App (without having a 3rd party software)?

Building a Best Practice Online Booking Service is a high priority roadmap item. Work has already commenced on this exciting new feature.

For children under 14, are they connected to the head of family's App login?

The App does not currently support multiple patients using the same mobile phone number. Parents with children attached to their mobile number can presently only use the SMS feature for their children. Family access is on our roadmap as a high priority item.

Can the patient cancel their appointment on the Bp App? If they can, is there a function to avoid cancellation of the appointment within 5 minutes of the appointment time.

No. Appointments cannot be cancelled via the App at this stage. The usual patient appointment cancellation options still apply.

If the patient's details require updating, and they fail to update with reception, is there a way for the App to stop them from checking in without seeing the receptionist?

Just like in a practice you would rely on your patients informing you if there is any change to their details, so, unfortunately, there would not be a way to block them from checking in. It may be part of your team's procedures to verify this information when completing their billing if you have any concerns their details may have changed.

Can the Check-in App also check pension card expiry/status?

Enhancing the check-in feature is currently on our roadmap to be considered for inclusion in a future release of the App. At this point in time, this information will need to be completed by your reception team before billing.

What happens if the patient has the App on their phone and then they get a new phone?

If a patient acquires a new device, their existing apps will either automatically transfer from their old device or they can download them again. Either way, their BHA account is not affected, and they can sign-in using their email address and password. They will need to set up a new authentication method as is supported by their new device, i.e. pin, fingerprint or face ID.

Are the App and all the training collateral only in English?

Yes, the App is currently only available in English; however, the ability to have the App in different languages is on the roadmap for consideration in a future release. It is important to note that we will not be able to translate Health Fact Sheets that are supplied by third parties. All training material is in English.

Patient Communications and using Bp Comms

These Frequently Asked Questions are taken from the Patient Communications and using Bp Comms Masterclass. View the Masterclass video recording on the Bp Learning Vimeo Channel.

Can I download handouts from past webinars, e.g. the Jade SMS workflow one?

If you are viewing the webinar live, download links are provided. If you are viewing the webinar via a recording on the Bp Learning Vimeo channel, no download links are available. To gain access to a definite list of learning resources for BHA, download the BHA getting started guide which contains links to the webinars, Knowledgebase articles and quick reference guides.

How much does the App cost per practice?

The App subscription is $360.00 (Excl GST) per location per year (applied at a pro-rata rate to align with your Bp Premier subscription). App messages are 6c each.

If there is an App update and the patient doesn't update the App, will they still get messages?

Some updates to the App will be mandatory. In this case, the user will be forced to apply the latest update on sign-in. Whether the update is mandatory or not, they will continue to receive messages.

Is there a quick way to discover what consent options the patient has enabled for a specific location without having to open the Bp Comms Consent screen?

The only way to check what Bp Comms consent options a patient has consented to is to open the Bp Comms Consent screen (Patient Demographics > Bp Comms Consent). The patient consent options apply to all locations.

How can the risk of sending communications to a deceased patient be minimised?

Currently, there is no automatic unenrollment from the BHA when a patient record is updated to deceased. Your current processes should continue to be followed as for SMS. This has been added as a future enhancement.