Update a doctor's availability

This article explains how to quickly update a doctor's availability from the appointment book.

Default availability on the appointment book is determined by a provider's scheduled session times. However, you can manually mark an appointment, or a set of appointments, as unavailable. For example, a provider has to leave the practice for an emergency.

  1. Right-click the appointment book in the earliest slot you want to update and select Unavailable. The Unavailable screen will appear.
  2. For example, if a provider has to leave the practice between 10am and 12pm, right-click the 10am slot.

  3. Select the last slot that the provider is unavailable for. Click Ok.
  4. The provider will be marked as 'Unavailable' on the appointment book for the specified time.

To make an unavailable slot available, right-click the slot and select Available.

What if an appointment was already booked?

The patient's name will remain in the unavailable appointment slot, in case staff need to contact a patient about an appointment made unavailable.

Can I see who made an appointment unavailable?

To view who made a booking slot unavailable, right-click, select View text, and inspect the Updated by field.